Thursday, March 7, 2013

I hate it when I get my schwartz twisted.

As "Apple, Google, and Facebook" comes to a close, I must say I did actually enjoy the class. I liked looking at technology in the form of religion, even though it took me a little bit to jump on the official band wagon. I have now officially become a fan of Apple... which is cool, I guess haha. since I wasn't really a fan of anything before..

But in all, this class actually just showed me that a lot of my frustrations with technology and the fact that hardly anybody talks to each other face to face anymore is legitimate. I still have a hard time differentiating between my excitement for new technology that is coming out and my hesitance and disgust with the fact that once again people are being seperated from what's actually real in their lives.

The last few videos we have watched in class of Lanier speaking really speaks to what I generally feel about technology. Not in the original sense that I'm sure he meant it, but more in relating to my own life. I use technology, because it has basically become a necessity in the world today.. or at least modern American culture. But I think that if a person is only expressing themselves through a computer screen, that person is once again, seperating themselves from actually producing something in the real world. People can have the greatest of opinions on the internet, but unless that person can actually stand up in reality and tell that opinion to fellow human beings present in the moment, not behind a computer screen, little impact will be made.

My confession for the class: The other day, I used the term "coding" in a sentence. I don't know if anybody else knew that I had no idea what I was referring to or talking about, but now you do.

So now, I shall leave you with some Mel Brooks Space Balls

1 comment:

  1. another cat pic. We needed a blog post considering why cat pics are so popular on the Internet. I hope "coding" turns up more often now as you talk with people.. ;)
